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Laureates of 2014 Li Buyun Law Prize:Gudmundur Alfredsson

admin / 2014/7/22 10:59:09

Education of professor Gudmundur Alfredsson :Cand. juris from the Law Faculty of the University of Iceland, 1975; Master of Comparative Jurisprudence (M.C.J.) from New York University Law School, 1976; and Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) from Harvard Law School, 1982.

Now, he is a law professor at the University of Akureyri, Visiting Professor at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) in Lund.

Previous academic assignments of professor Gudmundur Alfredsson : Law professor at Lund University (1995-2008), Director at the RWI (1995-2006), UN staff member in New York (Office of Legal Affairs 1983-85) and Geneva (Centre for Human Rights 1983-95), Chairman/Rapporteur of the UN Working Group on Minorities (2006), and Chairman of expert consultations that drafted the OSCE Lund Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Public Affairs (1998-99).Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Minority and Group Rights and of the Yearbook of Polar Law, and Co-Editor of the Nordic Journal of International Law.

Over the last twenty years, Professor Gudmundur Alfredsson has given lectures on Public International Law and Human Rights Law in Beijing, Hangzhou, Huhehaote, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Qingdao, Jinan, Wuhan and more than 100 of other countries in the world. Meanwhile,there are more than 200 of his academic articles have been published in some international and regional organizations’ reports, academic journals and other publications. Professor Gudmundur Alfredsson has become the bridge between China’s domestic Human Rights Law research and that of other countries and in consequence he has enhanced the communication between China’s legal research and that of foreign countries.

Address:1902, Building 1, No. 1199 Minsheng Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China