Appraisal Rules for Li Buyun Law Prize
Adopted at the first meeting of the First Li Buyun Law Prize appraisal committee on July 18,2013, and amended for the first time according to the Decision on Amendment of Appraisal Rules for Li Buyun Law Prize at the 4th session of the First Li BuyunLaw Prize on September 16, 2015, for the second time according to the Decisionon Amendment of Appraisal Rules for Li Buyun Law Prize at the 3rd session of the Second Li Buyun Law Prize on August 22, 2020.
Chapter 1 General Rules
Article 1 In order to promote legal research and encourage international communication of law, Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law (hereinafter “SIFL”) established Li Buyun Law Prize.
Article 2 Candidates for the award include Chinese scholars who have made outstanding contributions to China’s legal research and foreign scholars or institutes that have remarkably contributed to international legal research and education.
Article 3 Li Buyun Law Prize is presented annually to a Chinese nominee and a foreign nominee. If there is no suitable candidate, the award will not be presented.
Article 4 Each prize winner shall receive a reward of RMB 150,000.
Chapter 2 Organization of Award Committee
Article 5 Li Buyun Law Prize appraisal committee(hereinafter “Appraisal Committee”) has been established in order to guaranteethe fairness of appraisal procedure.
An executive office is set up by Appraisal Committee to manage daily work.
Article 6 The committee consists of 15 to 19 committeemembers. Committee members’ term of office is four years. Committee members can serve consecutive terms.
The number of members re-elected for each new term shall not be less than one-fourth of the total members. All members of the Appraisal Committee shall be appointed by SIFL.
Article 7 The committee has one director and several vice directors that can serve consecutive terms. Above mentioned positions should be elected by appraisal committee members and appointed by SIFL.
Article 8 When a committee member’s term of office ends, he or she should nominate a candidate for the position. The candidate shall become a committee member only if he or she gained major votes in an approval votemade by the board of SIFL.
Article 9 Qualification for appraisal committee members:
a. Engaging in legal study, be familiar with the history and current situation in respect of global research in certain fields;
b. High academic level and accurate academic judgment;
c. Be equipped with good academic integrity, and rigorous academic attitude;
d. With a strong sense of social responsibility, and be enthusiastic about public interest.
Article 10 Responsibilities for the appraisal committee:
a. Set specific appraisal standards based on the qualifications stated in this Rules;
b. Elect the final prize winner after deliberating on all nominees;
c. Deal with major problems arising in the appraisal work and accept disputes and complaints against the appraisal work;
d. Draw experiences of appraisal work and make appropriate suggestions.
Chapter 3 Appraisal Procedure
Article 11 Candidates for the prize shall be nominated by the appraisal committee members. Each committee member can recommend 3 experts at most. Candidates’ names and their contributions should be submitted to the Appraisal Committee Executive Office. No member of the appraisal committee should be nominated.
Article 12 The Appraisal Committee Executive Office will conduct formal examination on the contributions of the nominated candidates. Results of the examinations will be submitted to the Appraisal Committee for review and vote.
Article 13 The Appraisal Committee meeting is valid only if more than 2/3 of committee members have attended.
Article 14 A prize winner should win more than half of the votes in a secret ballot conducted by the appraisal committee. Each committee member can only vote for 1 domestic and 1 foreign candidate.
Article 15 SIFL will decide the issuance of the award in accordance with appraisal committee’s vote results. Final appraisal results will be released by SIFL.
Article 16 None of the following behaviors of committee members and relative staff would be allowed, including:
a. Leaking information regarding appraisal work;
b. Extorting or accept bribes such as gifts and money;
c. When a committee member’s close relative is a nominee, the committee member should inform the Appraisal Committee and avoid relative work.
d. Other behaviors that may harm the reputation of the Appraisal Committee.
Chapter 4 Supplementary Articles
Article 17 The Appraisal Committee of Li Buyun Law Prize is in charge of the modification of this Rules, while the executive office of the Appraisal Committeeis responsible for explanation of this Rules.
Article 18 This Rules shall come into effect from the date on which it has been voted through by Li Buyun Appraisal Committee.